Scientists found white hydrogen beneath the closed mine.

    Fed hydrogen is a type of hydrogen that is found naturally. It cannot be produced in a lab. Lab-made hydrogen, which causes much environmental damage, can be a blessing for the Earth in terms of saving it from global warming and pollution. The quantity of white hydrogen is currently very low. This is the first time such a large reserve of it has been found.

    A discovery made by two scientists, Jacques Pironeau and Philippe D. Donato, at the National Center for Scientific Research in France, has revealed that white hydrogen, also known as golden hydrogen, can be found naturally occurring in atomic form under the land of northeastern France. It is believed that this discovery can be instrumental in saving the world from the climate crisis.

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    The researchers at the University of Lorraine estimate that the reservoir of natural hydrogen beneath the coal mine in Lorraine is the largest in the world. Scientists also believe that this hydrogen can be used. If this happens, not only France but also the energy needs of many countries can be easily met. In such a case, it will be a great relief for the world struggling with the climate crisis. That is why the large reservoir of white hydrogen is being seen as a guardian of the world.


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